Visitors to your Zoolit page will see... Visitors to your Zoolit page will see...

1. Zoolit button can be embedded in almost any website, blog or social networking site as well as the signiture file of most email clients. When clicked, the Zoolit button opens up your custom Zoolit Landing Page.

2. Your Zoolit ID, name, photo and personal message or greeting is displayed at the top of your Zoolit Page. Everything is optional except your Zoolit ID.

3. When the More info link is clicked, the Contact Info box expands to show any additional info you’ve added to your profile. Clicking Less info collapses the Info box

4. If you’ve placed your email address in your Info box, clicking on the email address will open a new email message to that address.

5. The My Sites section contains links and descriptions for all of your personal websites, blogs and social network profiles. Clicking anywhere in the shaded box opens up that link in a new window.

After you register or login, you can edit your Zoolit page... After you register or login, you can edit your Zoolit page...

1. The Edit link becomes visible when you roll over the shaded Info box. Clicking on this link takes you to your Profile Page where you can add, edit and delete info on your profile.

2. The Greeting/Note box allows you to enter as much info as you want, such as your personal bio, notes, quotes and news. This info is visible on your Zoolit Landing Page even when the section is not expanded.

3. You can reorder your links simply by dragging and dropping the shaded box to a new location.

4. Clicking the Edit link puts the box in Edit Mode. Simply make changes, then click Save or Cancel. Clicking the X deletes the link.

5. To add a new link, just enter the URL of the link and an optional description and then click the Add button. The link will be placed at the bottom of the list. Once created, just drag the box to the desired location.

6. Click on your choice of Zoolit Buttons and the Tag Code will appear in the open box. Simply copy and paste this code into your website, blog, social network profile or email sig file and your Zoolit Button will appear on the site.

7. If your site or email client doesn’t accept the tag, simply copy and paste the url link of your Zoolit Landiing Page instead of the tag code.